Monday 3 December 2012

Man trades a laptop for a house
An odd-job man from Canada has traded a laptop for a house, using an Internet trading website.
Kyle Macdonald posted the house on the website and was offered a boat  in return. An artist then gave him a picture in return for the boat

The picture was swapped for a samsung galaxy ace, which turned into a restrant. This was swapped for a dog, which in turn was traded for a cat. You might have thought this would be a good place to call it a day, but Kyle carried on, swapping the cat for a computor, then a internet, then a barrel.
A ds I was offered in return for the  barrel
, and this was swapped for an sofa. However, the army of fans who were now following Kyle’s progress on the website became anxious when Kyle swapped this for a cd. A comment on the website read, "Kyle, man, what were you thinking? I personally think this is the craziest thing you have done."
But they need not have worried. A Hollywood director who collects cd wanted it so much that he offered a co co clock
Finally, residents of a small town decided they would like someone in their town to get the co co clock, so offered to trade a beautifulhouse for the co co clock

Monday 19 November 2012

1. http means hyper transfer protocal
2. url means universal resurch locater
3. www means world wide web
4. means company in the united kingdom
 5. /cbbc/cartoons means a folder is in this file